Popular Science Lecture
The conservation of forest and wild life is a prime goal of every citizen. The section on forest represents the importance of forest, wild life and their symbiotic relationship with human beings. Why the trees are important? exhibits on balanced diet, tell us how it is useful to maintain good health. Exhibition section on Climate change highlights consequences of various pollution, Global Warming & Non conventional energy resources.
Water, though a major resource on earth, has to be properly managed for drinking and other uses. The water readily available needs to be purified before human consumption. Water is also the carrier of various germ causing diseases. What are the water borne diseases (in the tribal areas of Dharampur) and how to control them? How does a germ look like in Water drops can be viewed on micro projector screen? Facts on nutrition gives useful information on the topics for the layman. Unmanned Quiz is participatory exhibit by which fact on science in every day life will be made known to the participants.
The newly developed exhibits on Genetically Modified food, application of Genetic Engineering, Cloning, chromosomes, constituents of Blood, hereditary, Body Mass Index, Water in a human Body, Population Explosion, etc. are certainly enriched visitors.